PreMiEr Industry Summit Highlights

PreMiEr Industry Summit Highlights

PreMiEr’s Innovation Ecosystem foundation under the direction of Dr. Anurodh Tripathi, in collaboration with PreMiEr partners from industry, government, and non-profits and researchers from within the ERC, were proud to gather at the inaugural Microbiome of the...
PreMiEr Industry Summit

PreMiEr Industry Summit

On November 6th and 7th, 2024, PreMiEr was pleased to host its inaugural Industry Summit at the North Carolina Biotechnology Center in Research Triangle Park.  We welcomed nearly 60 PreMiEr faculty and scholars, Industry Members, representatives from non-profits and...
Dr. Mark Wiesner Receives Award

Dr. Mark Wiesner Receives Award

March 21, PreMiEr faculty member Dr. Mark Wiesner was presented with the 2024 Simon W. Freese Award and delivered the Freese lecture at this year’s meeting of the American Society of Civil Engineer’s Environmental & Water Resources Institute, held in Milwaukee...